Occupational Therapist

How can I help?
Choosing the right occupational therapist is an important decision for you and your child. It is a privilege for the therapist to be involved with your family and receive your personal information. Starting the journey of accessing early childhood intervention supports can be an overwhelming and daunting task. Its helpful to find a therapist who truly listens and puts you in the centre of decision making.
You want someone who understands typical early childhood development as well as understanding developmental delay, disability and atypical development.
A ‘one size fits all’ approach just doesn’t work to address the unique strengths and challenges that exist in your child. Milestones can come in leaps or have long pauses. Some steps can be missed along the way. Your child should be supported to start where they are and find the next step in their learning and development.
Finding a therapist that you connect with is very important. Please look over the next few pages and consider whether you think I’d be suitable for you and your child.
If you need further information, please don’t hesitate to connect.
- Tarryn
Autism, ADHD, and NeurodiversityI am trained in early intervention for autism using the SCERTS model of practice. I very much enjoy working with my young autistic clients and their parents. It is wonderful to see the child’s uniqueness and interests and how they grow and change over time. Helping to strengthen social communication and engagement between child and parent is a special part of my job. I work with a neuro-affirming lens that sees each individual as a unique person with their own interests and motivations. I don’t use a medical model to try to “fix underlying problems”, and I don’t teach neurotypical social skills and masking. Rather, I work with the individual to help their performance in what they need to do and want to do.
Life Long LearningI have a passion for occupational therapy and keeping up with best practice in early intervention supports. I am currently undertaking a Masters Degree in Advanced Clinical Practice.
Emotion CoachingI am trained in the ‘Tuning into Kids’ registered and manualised program. This 6 week course aims to develop emotionally intelligent parenting to support children to understand and tolerate their emotions.
Family Centred PracticeI see the individual family as the centre to my work. I aim to really listen to understand your concerns and requests. I give information in an open and informative way, for good decision making. I use a strengths base approach to highlight the good things and work from this point. The family is always treated with respect and dignity with a positive regard given to you at all times. I am considerate to cultural or ethnic backgrounds. I know that there are many ways to do things, but what is most important is that your family can be its own, and your child can receive the best support that suits their needs.
Clinical SupervisionI use the GROW model of performance coaching to supervise allied health practitioners. The supervisee is required to identify a goal area and undertake a reflective process in reality checking and solution finding to move toward the next step. The coach is required to have a well-developed practice of deep listening and skills to facilitate relationship building. The relationship is the context in which change can take place. Coaching is a transactional relationship where all parties are involving in creating a unique contract of work to make dreams explicit and achieve meaningful goals.
Sensory challengesI can help you understand your child’s sensory profile and how that fits in with the world around them. Together we can find ways for your child to get the sensory input they seek and limit the sensory input that overwhelms them.
Global developmental delays and learning disorders.I am trained in the assessment and intervention of cognitive processing using the PRPP model of practice. The assessment is carried out during usual task performance, such as at school or in daily routines at home. I always have my assessment hat on, looking at what is the task that the child is expected to do, and what errors are they making. I then use direct intervention to give them the information they need for better task performance. These strategies are always handed over to school and parents for practice until mastery and generalisation of the skill.
Occupational performance coaching (OPC)Coaching is a style of communication and motivation aimed at unlocking a person’s potential to maximise their performance. In the health and disability sector it addresses the historical power imbalance between therapist and client. The ‘expert’ model’ is abandoned as the client is valued as a resource with unique life experience and knowledge. We know that health professionals have textbooks while families have stories. Coaching is a spotlight to find the right solutions within the person. I am trained in this method to collaborate with parents to assist their child to increase their performance in daily occupations at home. This process allows the parent to talk while the therapist listens. Questions are used to identify important goals and priorities for you and your child and find the first steps forward. This approach is best suited to target self-care skill development, and emotional regulation issues for your child. It is delivered through telehealth.
Early Play SkillsA relationship-focused approach to play is used through the ‘connect play learn’ model. Playful interactions are the basic element of intervention with my clients, as a child’s main occupation is to play.
Handwriting and fine motor skillsI am trained in the CO-OP intervention approach for learning new motor skills. This is best suited for children who can think about what they want to get better at and analyse their own performance.
About Tarryn
Background Information
Bachelor's in Health Science (Occupational Therapy)
Masters of Advanced Clinical Practice (Currently Enrolled)
Professional Development
Professional training in the following areas:
Perceive, Recall, Plan, Perform, assessment and intervention
Cognitive approach to occupational performance (CO-OP) intervention
Occupational Performance Coaching
Fundamentals of Clinical Coaching
Tuning in to Kids (emotion coaching)
Typical Motor Development 0-12 months
SCERTS educational approach for children with autism spectrum disorders
SOS Approach to restricted eating and mealtimes
Click the logo to know more about Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency
Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA)
WA Occupational Therapy Association (WAOTA)
Developmental OT WA (DOTWA)

Let's Talk
If you need help let's get in touch
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After submitting the form, you will receive an email containing a link to finalize your appointment schedule.
Serving all areas within 15 minutes drive radius of Padbury, WA.
Telehealth Services Available